Professional Real Estate Photography Must-Know Facts

In a world bursting with content, it’s kinda wild that some realtors and home sellers still don’t quite grasp how important professional real estate photography can be. Let’s dive into 8 super cool facts about real estate photography that’ll totally show you why having a pro photographer on your team can speed up your home sale game and fatten up those profits.

Facts You Should Know About Professional Real Estate Photography

Professional Real Estate Photos Sell Your Home Faster

According to studies, homes listed with professionally captured real estate photographs not only sell faster but also defy the influence of the asking price. The research revealed an intriguing trend: houses priced between $400k and $500k experienced the most substantial benefits, with these homes selling a remarkable 21 days quicker compared to properties lacking professional imagery.

Homes Sell For More Using Professional Real Estate Photos

Another compelling advantage of professional real estate photos: they consistently command higher prices, irrespective of the listing’s initial asking price. Studies find that homes valued between $400k and $500k fetched an average of $11,200 more when adorned with skillfully captured photographs compared to their counterparts without such imagery.

Buyers Say “Photos Are Important”

In a study by Douglas Elliman of New York, a staggering 83% of prospective homebuyers emphasized the pivotal role that photographs play in their buying decisions. This statistic underscores the immense significance of the visual portrayal of a property. Your choice of listing photos can sway a substantial majority of potential buyers as they determine whether to proceed with purchasing your home.

Professional Real Estate Photos Catches More Attention

A professionally captured real estate photo has the remarkable ability to engage a viewer’s attention for up to 20 seconds. This stands in stark contrast to subpar photographs, which manage to hold a viewer’s gaze for a mere 2 seconds. In a world characterized by fleeting attention spans, investing in professional imagery allows you to capture a more substantial share of viewers’ focus.

Not All Realtors Use Professional Real Estate Photography

Despite the wealth of evidence underscoring the importance of professional real estate photos, a surprising number of realtors opt to forego professional assistance in favor of DIY photography, driven by a desire to save a few hundred dollars. This, however, presents an immediate advantage to those who recognize the potential—by hiring a professional photographer, you position yourself above competitors who underestimate the impact of superior imagery.

Buyers Spend More Time Viewing Photos Than Reading Descriptions

Statistics reveal that up to 60% of potential buyers’ browsing time is dedicated to perusing listing photos. While a property’s description undoubtedly holds significance, this data highlights the paramount role that photos play in swaying a potential buyer’s opinion. Conveying a property’s essence through imagery provides the optimal opportunity to convince and convert a potential buyer.

Homes Are Sold By Not Seeing Homes Physically

Intriguingly, an astounding 20% of recent home purchases were conducted without the buyers physically visiting the property. This phenomenon underscores the monumental impact that photographs wield in the decision-making process. When physical inspection isn’t possible, online imagery becomes the buyer’s window into the property, epitomizing the efficacy of real estate photos in selling homes.

Professional Real Estate Photos Are More Engaging

Properties showcased with professional photographs enjoy a remarkable 61% surge in online views. This phenomenon can be attributed to the undeniable allure of a captivating lead photo—the initial impression that lures potential buyers to explore further. Frequent visitors of platforms like can attest to the persuasive power of striking imagery in driving online engagement.

The world of real estate is changing, and professional real estate photography is the new norm. These mind-blowing facts show just how professional pics can crank up your sales, boost property values, and heightened buyer engagement. So, if you’re a realtor or a home seller, buckle up and embrace the power of professional real estate photography – it’s your ticket to wowing, winning, and walking away with a successful sale.